Qigong for Breast Health

March 21, 28, and April 4 at 9:30 AM (ET)  VIRTUAL Classes are interactive and include 7 select Qigong movements. You will learn,

  • How to practice Qigong to enhance breast health
  • How this Qigong practice supports digestive health
  • How to easily adjust your eating style
  • How stress unbalances the body

Program materials included with registration

  • Training Booklet
  • Instructional Pamphlet
  • Free Qigong for Breast Health Video-on-demand

Practice with us, ask your questions, gain new insights and skills.  Your new Qigong practice will support inner/outer flow. (This is a 3-part class. Sessions are not recorded and you must attend by video)


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**Important Note: If you provide us with your NCCAOM #, your certificates will automatically be uploaded to your NCCAOM portal under your continuing education credits. Once you receive notice that your certificate is ready to view, you should be able to also see our course and the appropriate number of credits under your "Report CE" profile.

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What you will learn

In these interactive and informative sessions you will learn about the importance of quality energy flow that impacts the breast, uterine areas  and digestive system.  Each have a direct impact on breast cancer prevention and healing.  The intention for these classes is to offer healing options to women that empower action without fear.  Join us and share this message.

Class will be taught by Elaine Katen, TCM Wellness Counselor and Tao of Medical Qigong practitioner

Eastern traditions of health and healing focus on energy flow as the key to maintaining good health. Energy flow is impacted by lifestyle, stress, and poor diet to name a few. This class will address rebalancing the body from a Chinese medicine point of view using Qigong practice and natural healing tips/guidance.

 Three-part series:(75 minutes each)

  • Part One March. 21, 9:30 AM (ET)
  • Part Two March 28, 9:30 AM (ET)
  • Part Three April 4, 9:30 AM (ET)
  • Bonus Review Class: To be announced


  • Why breast cancer happens from an energetic point of view
  • How do emotions enter into this health issue.
  • What stimulates the progression
  • How to start self-healing

Actionable Aspects:

  • 7 Qigong practices
  • Guidance on foods for healthy digestion
  • Stress-let’s talk stress and how to release its dangerous impact on the body!
  • What kind of energetic eating style

Teaching Options

  • Guidance on sharing the movements and concepts with others.
  • Teaching kit for future classes
  • Certificate of completion

Help yourself then help others. From an energetic point of view there is much more to learn about preventing and healing from breast cancer than is commonly known in the West. Learn 7 targeted Qigong movements, understand how to support the digestive system, and a fresh view of stress and its long term impact on health. Once learned we encourage you to share with other women.

We highly recommend previous attendees attend as a refresher to strengthen knowledge and abilities.

Returnees may use coupon code energy25 for a discount.  (returnees only please)

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