Experience the power of Wu Ming Qigong as you study with Grand Master Nan Lu. This interactive instructional video includes 10 Qigong postures and a practice session.
The miracle stems from the body's innate ability to heal itself. Once you partner with the body, changing your diet, your thinking, and use Qigong as a daily go-to practice, your energy begins to build and flow more freely. The results are amazing.
Give yourself a boost and schedule your private sessions with Health Consultants. Call 212-274-0999 to make an appointment.
Dragon's Way Qigong is for anyone looking to improve their emotional and physical well-being. Participants learn how to listen to their bodies and adjust lifestyle so signs of imbalances drop away. Once the body's energy field flows, health issues including excess weight begin to melt away. This is not a miracle program rather a class that teaches the ancient art of holistic health through Qigong practice, a certain eating style and by understanding the needs of the body without fear.
Purchase the video as a stand-alone practice, or as a valuable companion to the book, “Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Natural Guide to Weight Loss that Lasts.” and the Dragon's Way Qigong Workbook. Week by week you'll be guided through this life-changing program.