Master Lu invites you to explore the art of negotiation, not with others, but with the self to allow knowledge to transform into wisdom.
Negotiation is often associated with external transactions, but the most profound negotiations occur within. This inner negotiation involves a gentle yet deliberate conversation with ourselves—a dialogue where we question what we hold as “truth” and release the stories that no longer serve us.
Why now? It's Spring and Liver Qi is aching to flow freely!
We’ll Explore:
- The Story of Zhuangzi:
Master Lu will share several stories, refelcting on Zhuangzi’s timeless wisdom, such as the tale of the tree that stood for 1,000 years. This tree was deemed useless by all but spared destruction because of it. This paradox reminds us that what seems worthless can, in fact, hold the greatest potential. - Profit and Loss in Life:
How do we measure what we gain in our daily lives? How does Yin and Yang help us see the other side?
We'll spend a powerful week together, learning how to embrace the spirit of Liver Qi, while dropping the mind. Master Lu will guide the group using storytelling, one of his great gifts, and sharing Wu Ming Qigong practices. Our team of instructors will support the group throughout the week.
What’s Included?
Registration Fee and BONUS

Register by March 5 and receive a FREE bag of Magical Flowers. Developed to support the Liver and relieve excess stress on the eyes due to cell and computer use.
Optional Add-Ons
- $24.00 Herbal Supplement (optional) -- Xiao Chai Hu Pian Master Lu selected this herb with the intention of supporting the body as it transitions into Spring. The body is often confused and can use a bit of support to find better balance.
- $75.00 One-on-One Session — Need a personal Qi consultatin? How has your body responded to the program so far and what’s your next steps? Keep the processing going with a custom plan developed by our TCM Health Consultant, Elaine Katen or Irma Jenne. Sessions are schedule 1-2 weeks after the end of the Spring program.
The stories Master Lu will be referencing come from Zhuangzi Speaks.
Click here to purchase Zhuangzi Speaks on Amazon

Dates and Times of Calls:
- Sunday, March 23rd at 9:00 AM (EDT)
- Tuesday, March 25th at 12:00 PM (EDT)
- Wednesday, March 26th at 7:30 PM (EDT)
- Sunday, March 30th at 9:00 AM (EDT)
All calls will be recorded for future viewing
Register now to receive your free gift!