San Jiao: The Powerful Mystery Meridian for Metabolism Function
When we look to the organ that controls metabolism function, most people would go to the Stomach. However, it’s not a physical organ at all; it’s a mystery meridian called the San Jiao—the body’s most powerful energy pathway for metabolism function. The San Jiao is the only meridian that is not associated with a physical organ. There’s no “middle man” to interrupt its functioning at the energetic level.
With no physical organ to slow its speed, the San Jiao can more easily impact any of its eleven fellow meridians, as well as any of the body’s major organs. The human body is a microcosm of Nature and the Universe. This microcosmic relationship exists because of the connection with the body’s invisible meridian network. It is through these powerful invisible meridians that Universal Qi can be downloaded, translated, transported to and transformed by the body.
Metabolism Function
When we talk about metabolism function, we are talking about an entire integrated, multidimensional network of three critical paired organ systems—Spleen-Stomach, Liver-Gallbladder, Kidney-Bladder—as well as the Lung–Large Intestine and Heart–Small Intestine. Our whole body must reflect and interact with the much larger macro systems of Nature and the Universe.
For metabolism function to work at its highest level, it must reflect and act like the macrocosm of Universe. Therefore, the human body has to have a meridian system in order to connect to Nature and unlimited Universal Qi. The real secret of healthy metabolism function is that the invisible meridians, not the physical organs, have ultimate control of the body!
In Western translations, the San Jiao is often referred to as the Triple Burner, Triple Heater or Triple Warmer. San means “three” and Jiao means “cooperate with,” “connect together” or “cross together.” However, San Jiao encompasses a special spiritual concept as well. For the past 5,000 years, the concept of the San Jiao meridian has remained essentially the same. What can the San Jiao do? What kind of healing capabilities does it have? These questions remain unanswered.
Energetic Connections
Even though the San Jiao meridian does not have a connection to an organ, it does have a partner, the Pericardium. The Pericardium is, of course, a physical organ. It is the membranous sac surrounding the heart that keeps it in place and working properly. It is often referred to as the guardian of the heart. This meridian can directly impact the Heart’s function. Many times before heart disease appears, it is the Pericardium that signals a problem first. Simply put, healthy metabolism function always depends on how well the San Jiao meridian functions.
Relationships: San Jiao, Gallbladder and Liver Meridians
Stress and Emotions
Continue Exploring!
Do you really need a gallbladder? Many people no longer have this “non-essential” organ. But what does this mean energetically? Tune in over the next few days for Grand Master Nan Lu’s perspective.
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