The Role of Emotions in Health and Healing
Emotions play a critical role in health and healing. It’s not possible to achieve the highest level of health if you’re still holding onto old or negative emotions, thoughts and habits. These are the energetic frequencies that cause the body to become sluggish, and under certain circumstances, produce Qi stagnation. But it’s often hard to let go of things that once held significance. One of my patients said, “I can’t throw this jacket away. My first boyfriend gave it to me.” That was twenty years and two husbands ago!
Events in the past often involve forgiveness. Sometimes, forgiveness is difficult to achieve. Instead of struggling with this emotion, shift the way you look at it. From a spiritual perspective, there is a reason and purpose for everything you have chosen to experience in this reality. But if you have chosen to go over the same issues again and again and truly cannot release old feelings, how will you have enough room to welcome new love, new feelings, new ideas, and healthy perspectives into your life? Hillel the Elder, one of the most famous Jewish religious leaders of ancient times, asked, “If not now, when?”
You must ask yourself that question if you want to fully heal at the body, mind, and Spirit levels. Taoist philosophy advises, “Let go first before you can receive.” You must have an empty hand to be able to catch a ball. I encourage you to “Let it go.” If old “stuff” still bothers you, it will eventually impact you physically. Some people carry these things for a lifetime. If you find it hard to let go or be flexible, one of the quickest ways to help yourself is by changing your beliefs. Find a new way to look at the same set of circumstances. Change your angle of view, because, no matter what, you are the center of your own reality.
-Grand Master Nan Lu
Excerpted from Digesting the Universe: A Revolutionary Framework for Healthy Metabolism Function
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