Here's how to make your own bean sprouts. They take a bit of nurturing, but once they sprout, the favor is returned! Mung Bean sprouts are a great source of protein and support healthy Liver function.
Sprouts are full of emerging energy and carry a vital healing essence to support the healthy Liver function.
Pick over the beans and discard any stones or broken beans. Rinse well let soak overnight.
Add beans to a strainer and rinse well. Cover and place in a warm dark area.
After 8-10 hours rinse well again allowing lots of fresh water to run over the beans.
Cover and place in a warm dark area.
Repeat this process twice a day for 6-7 days.
Pick over the beans and discard any stones or broken beans. Rinse well let soak overnight.
Add beans to a strainer and rinse well. Cover and place in a warm dark area.
After 8-10 hours rinse well again allowing lots of fresh water to run over the beans.
Cover and place in a warm dark area.
Repeat this process twice a day for 6-7 days.