This garden fresh meal is light and covers all the bases. Use your favorite fresh herbs and add sunflower seeds for an added twist. Keeping it light helps the digestive system enjoy greater efficiency.
Add oil to cold saute pan or wok. Heat pan over medium heat until oil shimmers. Then add whole garlic clove, salt and crushed red pepper flakes (if using). Saute until fragrant, 1-2 minutes.
Add shallots and saute until translucent. Add corn kernels and turn heat up to medium high. Stir frequently until kernels begin to soften and slightly carmelize.
Add zucchini and peas and continue to saute. Add tomatoes and continue to saute. You can burst tomatoes while stirring. Do not overcook. When you are satisfied with the consistency of the veggies, turn off heat. Add sweet bell pepper and mix to allow the heat to soften the pepper.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Top with fresh herbs and mix together.
If desired add sunflower seeds prior to serving.
Add oil to cold saute pan or wok. Heat pan over medium heat until oil shimmers. Then add whole garlic clove, salt and crushed red pepper flakes (if using). Saute until fragrant, 1-2 minutes.
Add shallots and saute until translucent. Add corn kernels and turn heat up to medium high. Stir frequently until kernels begin to soften and slightly carmelize.
Add zucchini and peas and continue to saute. Add tomatoes and continue to saute. You can burst tomatoes while stirring. Do not overcook. When you are satisfied with the consistency of the veggies, turn off heat. Add sweet bell pepper and mix to allow the heat to soften the pepper.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Top with fresh herbs and mix together.
If desired add sunflower seeds prior to serving.