Nourishing Stomach Qi: Video

If you missed today’s meeting when I talked about Nourishing Stomach Qi and reviewed the Qigong practice, you can find the full replay below.

Although it may seem simple, in the words of Master Lu, “The more simple something is, the harder it is to get results.” Can you figure out why? Share your thoughts on our Facebook Page: Answers Lie Within.

Most importantly, you must combine your Qigong practice with an awareness of how your mind directs your everyday life and thoughts. Try to see life situations from different angles, with less control. Slow down and really look. You may find yourself in a situation where you think you know the outcome, yet the outcome presents itself in unexpected ways.

Build your Qi with quality Qigong practice. Little by little, allow your energy drains to shift into energy resources. Use them to help you accumulate enough energy to sustain healing and ultimately achieve good health. Once you reach this level, the good stuff happens! This is not an overnight process, which makes me ever so grateful for your participation.

Reread the Nourishing Stomach Qi blog page for full program details. As a reminder, our week-long program covers three main areas:

  1. Lifestyle
    • What do you digest?
    • What can you let go of?
  2. Food
    • Follow a light eating plan.
    • Prepare the foods listed in the blog.
  3. Qigong
    • March with flat feet.
    • Make circles with your hands. (Remember: Extend your thumbs!)
    • Hold The Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth.

I’m excited, and I hope you are, too!


P.S. Join us for Qi Thursday, every week at 7:30 PM (ET), when we practice together.