Nature Knows: Patience
In our move-faster-so-you-don’t-lose-out society, many of us seem to have let our patience slip. We’ve become accustomed to getting immediate responses via email and text, and as a result, our patience for the slower side of life has gone by the wayside. We forego brick and mortar stores for shopping online and push many things on our to-do lists to the last possible minute. Humans are stressed. But Nature is truly our best teacher, if we take the time to relax and observe.
The ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu once said, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” If we slow down and take time to appreciate Nature, what can we learn?
Watch the sky as day turns to night and then into day again. Observe the ocean as waves wash in and wash out. Spend time watching birds busily build warm, safe nests before laying their eggs. And observe an apple tree as its blossoms patiently wait for bees to pollinate them in order to develop fruit.
Humans cannot intercept and change these patterns. Nature doesn’t hurry. It knows that its patterns bring forth life.
If we were to apply even an ounce of Nature’s patience to our daily lives, what might change? Would we move slower and savor life’s precious moments? This week, spend some time walking among the trees and flowers. Observe Nature’s interactions and infuse its teachings into your life.