Melanie’s Healing Journey with Dragon’s Way Qigong
It was January. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season had come and gone and I was back to work at the start of the new year. I wasn’t feeling great, as I had some ear and throat pain. After a quick run to the doctor to confirm it wasn’t strep, I was right back to work. I chalked it up to being a little run down and probably stressed out from the holiday season.
I made it through the week. When I woke up on Saturday morning, the right side of my face was completely frozen. I couldn’t close my eye, blink, smile or move my cheeks. My face was numb. I thought I was having a stroke. However, the ER confirmed that it was in fact a condition called Bell’s Palsy. Needless to say, my fears and worries were running rampant.
After seeing my primary doctor and then a neurologist, the consensus was, “Don’t talk and don’t stress, and this will probably go away. However, there’s no way of knowing how long it will take.”Being that I talk for a living, I was less than thrilled with the doctor’s orders. I felt there was more I could do. That’s when I began to research alternative healing methods.
I am a meditation teacher. My practice is strong and has helped me in a variety of ways throughout my life. I turned to meditation to help maintain a 78-pound weight loss. It has also helped me find balance. My practice would be a strong component in my healing, but I knew it would take more than that. I just wasn’t sure what else I would need.
Years ago, I had met Dr. Nan Lu when I tried Qigong for weight loss. So when I googled sites for healing, I wasn’t surprised when his name and website popped up on my search list. I began reading every resource on tcmworld.org. I bought his book and read it multiple times. I learned that according to traditional Chinese medicine, Bell’s Palsy is a result of inner anger and stress. I began learning about Qi stagnation and how deeply it can affect health.
I had to learn more. I signed up for the week-long Winter Cleanse, joined phone calls, Facebook pages and was actively engaged in the content. I was so intrigued with this wisdom Dr. Lu shared. It was so profound yet so simple. I began cooking differently, looking at food differently and practicing the Dragon’s Way Qigong moves every day, sometimes twice a day, to help improve my Qi flow.
I’ll never forget the day I posted on Facebook inquiring about a Dragon’s Way Qigong teacher in my area. I received one response. A certified teacher lived 30 minutes from me and the course was starting next week. I couldn’t believe that it might be possible to gain access to this ancient tradition of healing that I now so deeply believed could help me.
Since I couldn’t drive or even close my eye, my mom joined me, and drove back and forth to the class every week. When we entered that first week, I wanted to cover my face and run back to the car. I hadn’t been out of the house in weeks and was embarrassed by how I looked, but my instructor greeted me with warmth and acceptance.As the other members arrived, I was reassured by their understanding and support and began to feel comfortable to share my story with them.
Each week I learned more about traditional Chinese medicine and I was deeply fascinated. After just one week, my first facial movements came back. I will never forget the emotion of seeing my cheek move again on its own. There is no doubt in my mind that this new movement was a result of Dragon’s Way Qigong and my continuing acupuncture treatments.
After the weeks progressed, I healed. I could close my eye, most of my smile returned, and I could blink. My doctors were amazed at how quickly I had recovered. The Universe works in seemingly mysterious ways. However, when you stop to slow down and listen, it makes a lot of sense. The body is always whispering what it needs to us. It’s up to us to listen.
I used to hate Winter, but now I see that it’s a time for rest, hibernation and internal growth. I understand how the cold can impact the body. I now dress in layers, cover my ears and protect my skin from the wind. There is a little part of me that fears Bell’s Palsy will visit me again, but I know that following the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and Dragon’s Way Qigong will provide me with the means to live a healthy and vibrant life.
-Melanie Anderson
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Inspired by Melanie’s story? Learn more about Dragon’s Way Qigong and how to apply its healing principles in your life.
Then listen to Gary’s experience with Dragon’s Way Qigong and try our powerful standing meditation for yourself.