Taiji: Meditation in Motion

The slow, gentle motions of Taiji are often called “meditation in motion”. These graceful movements transition seamlessly—one into the other—almost in a beautiful dance. Taiji is known to have restorative and healing benefits, both emotionally and spiritually. However, Taiji movements serve to do more than harmoniously calm and center the body—they also build physical strength, flexibility, and balance.

Taiji can be accessed by all people, regardless of age or ability level, even those wheelchair-bound. Starting with the basics, the circular, fluid movements require no special equipment to complete, only a willing participant. The movements can be completed at any time and in any place, as is evidenced by its rising popularity. Often, groups gather in parks to practice Taiji as part of their early morning routines.

Recent studies have shown that seniors and others suffering from a limited range of motion and stiff joints greatly benefit from Taiji. These gentle motions help improve circulation, expediting healing and providing relief for joint pain and discomfort. Taiji can also lessen the effect of a fall and reduce the chance of a broken bone.