Making Time for You

What does it mean to make yourself the priority? Is it taking time out every day to meditate or practice Qigong? Maybe. How about setting aside time to watch a movie that makes you laugh or read a book that makes you cry? Sure. Or could it be shifting your “must-dos” down to “do-laters” and instead taking time to relax with a cup of coffee or go for a walk on the beach? Of course.

Prioritizing yourself means different things for different people, and may even mean different things on different days. Regardless of what you do, or when or where you do it, take a moment to check in with yourself. What do you need at this exact moment? What can help relieve your stress, rebuild your soul, and replenish your spirit? Whatever that answer is, do it. The other things—and people—can wait.

Many parents—especially young mothers—often say they cannot do anything for themselves because they are so busy providing for everyone else. But these are the people who must care for themselves above all. In addition to tending to those in their care, they are providing an example. If you are a mother, father, or other caretaker, ask yourself this, “Would I want my child to care for themselves the way I care for myself?” If your answer is no, motivate yourself to change your patterns. Make yourself the priority. Respect yourself, your body, and your time, so that those watching will learn to respect themselves as well.