Late Summer: The Season of Nurturing and Transformation
Late summer is upon us, with its hot, muggy weather and heat-breaking afternoon thunderstorms. Late summer is considered one of the five major seasons in the East, according to the Five Element Consciousness Framework. This ancient theory of interrelationships describes how we are influenced by many aspects of Nature. We are all energy beings. All life—human, plant, animal, and Universal—are connected in the larger picture.
Late Summer begins around the third week of August and runs through the Fall Equinox. In August, Nature is undergoing its last burst of growth before harvest time. The energy of this season corresponds to the nurturing Earth element. The next few weeks are an important time for self-nurturing and self-cultivation. This a powerful time to fully ripen and transform, using the last of summer’s bountiful energy.
The Stomach and Spleen resonate with Late Summer’s energetic vibration. If this organ pair is low on energy, you may experience nausea, stomach flu, IBS, weight gain, blood sugar disorders, or low energy. However, if your Stomach and Spleen are harmonizing with the energies of Late Summer, your digestive system may be feeling more balanced than usual.
Just as all of Nature relies on Mother Earth for sustenance, we also rely on our digestive system for emotional and physical support. Think about all that we ask our bodies to digest—foods that we eat, things that we see or hear, and emotions that we feel and experience. Keeping our Stomach and Spleen energy balanced provides a solid foundation for lifelong mind-body-spirit health.