How Nina Healed Physically and Emotionally with TCM
I first visited Dr. Lu’s practice as a patient about a year ago. I came in complaining about some of my physical ailments (but only the major ones). I had 100% confidence that he could help me physically, however I had no idea that I was in for a TREAT. And what a TREAT it is! After 1 year, most of my physical ailments are gone, even the minor ones that I didn’t share with him. But the most important healing took place on an emotional level. Through these treatments, I have been able to dig deeper and heal myself from the emotional baggage that was weighing me down.
Dr. Lu not only treats me physically, but he also teaches me how to digest past, current and even future emotions, so they don’t manifest into physical ailments. I am grateful to Dr. Lu and his staff for taking care of my whole being. I am eager to continue learning as a patient. I now believe in my own abilities to heal. The emotional healing by far outweighs the physical ones, because that was the root of my physical ailments.
-Nina Kaypour