Heart Harmony Part 1: A Cellular Memory of Love
In Summer, Universal energies are most closely aligned with the Heart’s frequency. The key to Heart harmony is to empty the mind to allow the entire being to reach a state of peacefulness. Our stressful lives and demanding schedules often make it hard to let go and simply be, but it is always possible to bring love and happiness within.
Close your eyes. Picture a specific moment with someone you love. Notice how your body responds to that memory—your face relaxes, your smile widens, your heartbeat slows—your whole body responds. That is love.
Love is not just in the mind—it’s energy and consciousness. All of your cells have a memory of love, so this energy can be saved as data. Remember this feeling. Memorize it, feel it down to your core. Then, later, if you feel stressed, sit back, close your eyes, and recall that feeling of love.
Down the road, you might discover a new love—something more than your memorized feeling. So close your eyes again and allow yourself to feel the moment. Become aware of how your chest, neck, face, heartbeat—your whole body responds. Now you have an even stronger feeling to return to. This memory will be with you forever.
In traditional Chinese medicine, each organ has a time of dominance throughout the day. Heart time is between 11am and 1pm. Practice Heart harmony. Find a few minutes during this time to close your eyes. Bring your feelings of love to the surface and continue to feed your body these messages. Eventually, you’ll be able to replace feelings of sadness with those of love and peacefulness.
-Grand Master Nan Lu
There’s More to Explore!
This blog post is part 1 of a 3 part series. Join us next Wednesday for Part 2 of Grand Master Nan Lu’s teachings.
Can’t wait? Read about Summer and the Heart from the Five Element perspective.
Join our upcoming 7-Day Journey to Heart Harmony: June 17-24: Practice Heart-centered Qigong practices along with Grand Master Nan Lu to reconnect your inner world with Universal Qi, enjoy a creative eating style based on your personal cravings, and be inspired by other program components. Register!