Glenn’s Story: Dynamic Living
I was drawn to Grand Master Nan Lu, his team and the Dragon’s Way Training Program as a way to manage the various and constant stressors in my life. What I have discovered is a “System” that teaches us to see and experience the world in a new and dynamic way. To be a part of this System is to challenged, humbled, empowered and loved—often, at the same time. It is a pathway to connect to all things in our lives in a way that compels us to understand that we are so much more than our self-imposed mental and emotional limitations.
– Glenn F. Scotland
What is Dragon’s Way Qigong®?
Explore the meaning behind this powerful 6-week program. Dragon’s Way Qigong gives you the keys to deeply understand the root cause of your imbalances and make shifts in your life to bring about a healthier way of eating, living and being.
Interested in taking a class? Register for our upcoming 6-week session (January 24 – February 28) or learn more about becoming a Dragon’s Way Qigong instructor. Instructor training begins January 12.