Genetically Modified Foods
The United States is currently the world’s largest producer of GMOs. These foods have had changes introduced into their DNA through genetic engineering techniques. Corn, soybeans, potatoes, sugar beets and apples are just some of the GM foods. In addition, GM grains and alfalfa are fed to livestock. These animals are also given large amounts of antibiotics and hormones to stave off disease and get bigger, faster. It seems that “mad science” is taking Nature’s place, and the results can be alarming.
Environmental and Energy Fields
If you value the purity of organic farming, genetically modified foods are far from your shopping list. But unfortunately, cross-contamination happens. Although we are aware of the foods we purchase, prepare and eat, crops grown and harvested in nearby fields may have been planted with GM seeds and sprayed with toxic pesticides. It’s possible a GM seed could have been carried by a bird or the wind to a nearby organic field.
Aside from the physical field, we also need to concern ourselves with the food’s energy field. Everything is connected to every other thing. Therefore, it is impossible to discuss anything in isolation. Is your jar of honey organic? Bees typically fly about five-miles from their hive to collect pollen. Unless a farmer has massive acreage, can anyone truly guarantee that the bee has not visited a GM field? Everything is connected.
Searching for the Highest Standards
While we cannot be absolutely sure of everything we ingest, we can educate ourselves and do our very best to ensure that what we purchase follows the highest standards. Clearly, planting our own organic food is the best way to control what we eat. However, that is not always entirely possible. The best rules to follow are these: eat organic, choose local and make sure it’s in-season. Shop at your local farmer’s market. Often, small family farms are happy to share their growing information with you. Eating in-season ensures that your foods are as fresh as possible and are connected to the energy of the season.
Interested in learning more?
Check out these past posts that discuss organic and GMO foods.