
DAIKON PEANUT SOUPThis recipe will help the digestive system flow more freely. Make a large pot and add fish or meat to leftover soup to make another delicious meal.
SIX-MINUTE SOUPYour refrigerator might be a gold-mine of ingredients for a quick and nutritious meal.
1-2-3 SHRIMP AND TOMATO SOUPThis soup takes little effort to make and is delicious. Shrimp will enhance healthy Kidney function while the other ingredients work together to support a healthy digestive system.
CHINESE BARLEYNumerous studies have shown that Chinese barley contains numerous anti-cancer properties. For better Stomach function, include barley as part of your regular diet.
KABOCHA SQUASH SOUPSupport your digestive system with this flavorfull soup. Spoon leftovers over noodles for an unusual pasta dish.
FISH AND TOFU SOUPDelicious and satisfying, this meal is great to support your Kidney function. For diversity, add green leafy vegetables in the last minute of cooking.
HERBAL CHICKEN SOUPChicken soup combined with a specialty herbal mix will warm the digestive system and support immune health. Make a large pot and enjoy leftovers.
CHICKEN DROP SOUPThis hearty soup combines the Qi-boosting properties of chicken with the Liver strengthening benefits of broccoli,. Together they promote digestion and support immune function.
KABOCHA WITH GINGER SOUPThis soup is great for the digestive system. The ginger will add a warming touch while the acorn supports Stomach function.
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