
HEARTY POTATO-TOMATO SOUP FOR TENPotatoes and onions are good for the Stomach and Spleen as they grow directly in the earth, the element associated with these key digestive organs. Tomatoes benefit the Heart as well as the Stomach; use plum tomatoes for maximum Heart benefit! Dill strengthens the function of the Kidney.
VARIATION ON SIMPLE DAIKON RADISH SOUPThis delicious variation on the original recipe gets a bit creative and incorporates some kind of meat. Scallions benefit the Liver, tomato strengthens the Heart, and dried shrimp enhances this dish with a savory umami taste and benefits your Kidney energy.
DAIKON RADISH SOUPDaikon radish is a superfood for the digestive system. This radish has been used traditionally for centuries in Chinese cooking to benefit the Spleen and the Stomach, especially if you have heat conditions in the body.
CELERY ROOT SOUPThis hearty hot soup – remember, the Stomach loves warmth – is the perfect complement to a chilly fall day. With the addition of fresh herbs and the delicate taste of celery root, this soup can be paired with just about any main dish, or can be enjoyed all on its own. The earthy root vegetables in this soup (celery root, anise bulb, carrots) give the Stomach an added boost. Leeks and garlic both benefit the Liver, while mushrooms cleanse and detoxify the body. Dried mushroom powder also lends an added layer of flavor to this soup.
SCALLOP AND ASPARAGUS SOUPThis tasty soup is great for benefiting Kidney energy, as it contains scallops. All seafood, especially those with shells, boost the Kidney’s energy. Add scallions for Liver support and a dash of sesame oil and walnut oil to further strengthen the Kidney and Liver!
NOURISHING BONE MARROW SOUPThis slow-cooker friendly recipe is perfect for boosting your Kidney’s health, the organ that is crucial for longevity for both men and women. According to Chinese Medicine, the bone is the body tissue matching the energetic frequency of the Kidney. Bone soup is beloved in many cultures as being one of the keys to long life and good health: the Chinese name for it is “Long Life Soup.”
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