
SIMPLE NOODLES WITH VEGETABLE SOUPThis simple noodle soup is a cinch to prepare. Add shrimp and garnish with your favorite fresh herbs for a special meal, or keep it simple, with just the broth, noodles, and greens.
KIDNEY BEAN SOUPCurl up with a hot bowl of this warming vegetable soup on a cold, winter day. Get creative with this recipe and add (or subtract) according to your preferences. We love Kidney beans especially during the winter months. The shape of the bean resembles your kidney's. No accidents that the bean resonates with the Kidney.
ESCAROLE BEAN SOUPThis deliciously simple soup can be made in just a few minutes. Enjoy its warm, healing essence with every spoonful!
PUMPKIN SOUPPumpkin's anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, immunity-boosting and weight loss promoting properties make this vegetable a nutritional powerhouse and Asian food-as-medicine favorite. Be sure to save the seeds to roast as a salty, crunchy snack, packed with tons of healing essence!
MISO SOUPThis easy soup allows you to make a flavorful soup in less than 10 minutes that is chock full of greens and seaweed. Miso has long been revered in Asian cultures for its powerful health benefits.
WATERMELON GAZPACHOFor a sweet and savory soup, try this no-cook chilled cucumber and watermelon soup. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has used watermelon to cool sunburns, reduce fevers, promote urination, rehydrate the body’s fluids, and clear toxins. Cucumbers perform similar functions.
MUNG BEAN CEREALMung beans are a great detoxifier of the Stomach and Liver. Chinese red dates add a natural sweetness to this recipe and support your Stomach energy.
CABBAGE SOUPMany people today eat cabbage to aid in weight loss, but did you know it also helps clear toxins from the body? This easy-to-make recipe supports your Liver, Stomach and Lung function, all key to healthy digestion.
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