

Pine nuts are great for the Kidney, and the green color is energizing for the Liver. The bitter taste supports your Heart function.

NUTTY GINGER BARLEYChinese barley is one of those simple to store foods that carries a big dose of support for the Stomach and Spleen. By adding ginger there's an extra element of warmth that nurtures the digestive system. In TCM, we say all healing happens first through a balanced digestive system. The seeds and nuts add great Kidney support.
DATE NUT BREADMedjool dates, are brown in color and contain insoluble fiber, which is good for healthy digestion. They help prevent constipation and inflammation in the digestive tract and are also known to promote weight loss, support bone health, strengthen immunity, improve brain and heart health. These brown colored dates differ from Chinese red dates.
CRISPY NUTSNuts are a wonderful source of protein. We love walnuts for its ability to strengthen Kidney Qi. Almonds support the Lung while the sunflower seeds help the Small Intestines, Stomach and Spleen energy.
CLARE’S GO-TO BREAKFASTWarm fruit brings a healing essence to the digestive system. When adding warming herbs such as cinnamon or cardamon, Stomach function is supported. The addition of roasted walnuts offers additional support for Kidney energy.
SPICY WALNUTSOne of the best foods to support Kidney function, here’s an easy recipe to spice them up for Autumn.
YOUR CHOICEFood cravings are messages from the body asking for support. Eating what you crave is a way to honor the body. What tastes will satisfy you now? Go ahead and enjoy that food and eat until you are 80% full.
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