Kitchen Healing Cabinet

PMS TEAChinese medicine practitioners use only natural methods and natural ingredients to help their clients heal. Scallion, or green onion, as it’s frequently called, has many healing benefits. It’s especially beneficial when used to treat menstrual difficulties such as painful or irregular periods and PMS. This food helps relieve the body of internal cold, which is many times a cause for menstrual difficulties.
PMS COMPRESSFennel is a food with many healing benefits. It has a warm essence that enters the Liver, Kidney, Spleen and Stomach meridians. Fennel especially conveys its healing qualities to the Liver and Stomach organ systems. This food is helpful for stomachaches cause by internal cold. It can even relieve food poisoning! Chinese medicine practitioners “prescribe” fennel to help regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve PMS symptoms.
PEAR POWER FOR COUGHSThis is a traditional Chinese recipe for coughs. Pears have a cool essence that travels to the Lung and Large Intestine meridians, helping to relieve coughs and any excess heat in the Lung. Honey is a food that helps to moisten the Lung.
PRUNELLA TEAThe alternate name for this herb in English says it all: ‘self-heal’ or ‘heal-all’. Prunella (Chinese pinyin name: xia ku cao) is used classically in traditional Chinese medicine to help the Liver function more smoothly and to break up masses and lumps. Having a bitter, acrid flavor, it also is used to address eyeball pain and tearing of the eyes as well as aversion to light. Prunella helps relieve sinew and bone pain, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute icteric (jaundice) infectious hepatitis, and uterine bleeding.
CORN SILK TEACalled yu mi xu in China, corn silk has been used as a TCM remedy for thousands of years. It has a naturally sweet flavor and neutral essence. It helps relieve internal heat, water and dampness in the body. Additionally, corn silk benefits the digestive system, helping it to function more effectively by nourishing and balancing Stomach and Liver function. In TCM, corn silk has been used to help both the gallbladder and kidney pass stones, and in the treatment of diabetes.
HOT GINGER CINNAMON TEA WITH PINE NUTSThis warming recipe will help you combat colds as well as seasonal allergies. Cinnamon directly adds to your body’s “fire” that keeps your organs and entire body warm and functioning well, which is crucial for addressing allergies. Ginger is warming and beneficial for Lung; its spicy taste helps to push energy to the surface of the skin, boosting the immune system. For a sweeter, more substantial drink, add 1-2 minced pears, which are especially good for Lung energy. Pine nuts support Kidney energy and raw honey strengthens Lung and Large Intestine energy.
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