Grains and Noodles

POACHED EGG OVER QUINOAEggs are a perfect balance of yin and yang. Here’s a satisfying breakfast or brunch with this amazing message.
BLUEBERRY PANCAKESSo satisfying, this recipe will support healthy Liver and Stomach function. When the belly is sweetened, the stress falls away...
ZUCCHINI PINE NUT BOWLPine nuts in Chinese medicine will aid the digestive system and help support immune health. They are the seed of pine trees which enjoy long life! Zucchini and tomatoes are summer foods that moisture and nurture the body and help to release toxins.
MUSHROOM STUFFED PEPPERSA powerhouse meal that can be served at room temperature. Red peppers are known to improve digestion while mushrooms are great for immune health. The addition of kale goes to the Liver and the walnuts support kidney function.
Barley & Blueberry BakeWe love barley for its anti-cancer properties and ability to clean and aid the digestive track. By adding blueberries, the meal is packed with a sour taste to support the Liver. Together these foods energetically support the Stomach and Liver.
SPICY BARLEY & MUNG BEANSThis breakfast cereal of Chinese barley and mung beans is so good for your digestive system. The chili bamboo shoots, available in most Asian markets, will add a burst of flavor and is also good for digestion. Extra bonus - the spicy flavor supports the lung!
SWEET BARLEY CEREALChinese barley and brown sugar both support a healthy digestive system. Cook with almonds for additional Lung support.
TOMATO BASIL PASTAPasta soothes the Stomach with tomatoes and basil help the Heart and Liver. This delicious dish is also good leftover and served at room temperature.
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