Fish, Fowl, Eggs, and Soy

FENNEL FISH SAUTESimple and delicious this meal supports healthy Lung and Kidney function. Together these two organs keep the body strong and vital.
ALMOND CRUSTED CODHealthy eating! When rolled in almonds, this meal supports healthy Lung and Kidney function and is great for every season. TCM reminds us the essence of the meal is what's most important as it offers energetic support. Adding a touch of hot sauce increases the association with the Fall season.
POACHED EGG OVER QUINOAEggs are a perfect balance of yin and yang. Here’s a satisfying breakfast or brunch with this amazing message.
SALMON CUCUMBER ROLLSSalmon supports healthy Kidney and Heart function. Cucumbers have a cooling effect and are great especially during the summer months.
YOUR CHOICEFood cravings are messages from the body asking for support. Eating what you crave is a way to honor the body. What tastes will satisfy you now? Go ahead and enjoy that food and eat until you are 80% full.
BLACK BEAN CHICKEN TACOThis meal is light and packed with veggies to cool down the body, support the digestive system and bring a bit of protein into the meal.
SHRIMP WITH SPROUTSThe Kidney will love this dish, and these sprouts will help detoxify the Liver!
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