Fish, Fowl, Eggs, and Soy

SHRIMP OVER WARM ESCAROLEBoost your kidney Qi with a shell fish like shrimp. This simple recipe supports Kidney, Heart, Lung and Stomach. Shell fish are great for bone health, while the leafy bitter greens help the Heart and Liver.
SALMON WITH SOY AND GINGERSalmon with Soy and Ginger is an easy meal that will give you an energy boost and support overall immune health. Ginger will warm the stomach line while scallions carry their warm essence to the Liver.
TOFU SAUTETofu supports the Kidney, tomatoes go to the Heart and scallions support the Liver. This dish is a powerful internal tune-up!
TACO TUESDAY!Fish tacos can be a creative meal by adding favorite veggies or toppings. Fish supports healthy Kidney function and helps the Stomach and Spleen.
TENDER SALMONBoiling salmon? Easy to do and delicious with a light flavor and a big Qi boost. Great for Kidney Qi and leftovers can be added to soup or added to fried rice.
SHRIMP WITH GARLIC SAUCEThis dish combines the warming properties of garlic with the nourishing essence of shrimp, promoting digestive health, boosting Qi. It's a great meal for dispelling cold and supporting Kidney Qi.
LETTUCE BOWLSIt's always fun to be creative with leftovers. Whatever is in your refrig can be repurposed into a delicious meal. Use lettuce leaves or steam some cabbage leaves to add a warmer essence.
COD WITH FENNELHere's a trick to determine if your fish is fully cooked. Using a chop stick, gently poke the cod to see if it flakes apart. If so, it's done! Fish is an excellent source of protein to support healthy Kidney function. This recipe is part of the Winter Qi Reset
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