
SIMPLE NOODLES WITH VEGETABLE SOUPThis simple noodle soup is a cinch to prepare. Add shrimp and garnish with your favorite fresh herbs for a special meal, or keep it simple, with just the broth, noodles, and greens.
KIDNEY BEAN SOUPCurl up with a hot bowl of this warming vegetable soup on a cold, winter day. Get creative with this recipe and add (or subtract) according to your preferences. We love Kidney beans especially during the winter months. The shape of the bean resembles your kidney's. No accidents that the bean resonates with the Kidney.
ESCAROLE BEAN SOUPThis deliciously simple soup can be made in just a few minutes. Enjoy its warm, healing essence with every spoonful!
SWEET POTATO MELANGEAs simple as it is to prepare, this colorful dish is a delicious addition to your Thanksgiving table. It's also the perfect dish to support your Stomach. The honey brings out the natural sweetness of the potatoes, instead of relying on cups of added sugar. The tartness of the fresh cranberries adds dimension to the potatoes, while supporting your Heart.
STUFFED SWEET POTATO SKINSEnjoy the traditional flavors of Thanksgiving and support your Stomach function with this sweet and simple side dish. Instead of a marshmallow-topped sweet potato casserole, try making this healthier alternative, where the entire potato, skins and all, are edible.
STUFFED CREMINI MUSHROOMSThe perfect Thanksgiving appetizer or side dish, stuffed mushrooms are also beneficial, as they help to cleanse and purify the body. So go ahead, have another!
GARLIC-PANKO STRING BEANSThe crunchy panko adds a wonderful texture, and allows the dish to reheat well (just 10 minutes in a 350 degree oven for crispy beans and crunchy panko!) Your Liver responds to the color green, and the fragrant garlic will give your Lung a boost. 
PEARLED STRING BEANSString beans resonate with the essence of the Liver. Since they grow on vines, the vines represent the ability to move upward in an unrestricted manner. The pearled onions support your Stomach and Spleen and the pine nuts boost your Kidney energy.
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