
BAKED ACORN SQUASHAcorn squash enjoys a long growing season and therefore connects with numerous elements in nature. The seeds drop into the earth in preparation of future life. If you are eating for consciousness, this will help you project with hope into the future. Your digestive system will also thank you!
QUINOA BOWL WITH SEASONAL VEGETABLESQuinoa along with the selected vegetables will support the Earth element and help the digestive system flow. Quinoa is a protein that can help you build energy and fight off fatigue.
AVOCADO TOASTAvocados are a diverse fruit with many healing benefits. We like their ability to moisten the body.
AVOCADO CORN SALADIn traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), avocado nourishes Yin and blood, benefiting the Liver and Kidneys, and also adding moisture to the Lung and Large Intestine. The corn strengthens the spleen and supports digestion.
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