Finding Personal Freedom

On July 4, many people attend barbecues or relax on the beach, and then stay up late to watch colorful fireworks wake up the night sky. We often get caught up in the merriment and forget what this holiday is truly about—freedom. It’s the day we celebrate our nation’s adoption of the Declaration of Independence—when the United States of America became its own independent, free nation.

We are celebrating our country’s freedom. But July 4 is also a great day to celebrate your own personal freedom. What independence do you seek? Maybe it’s the freedom to break free from expectations or control your own finances. Maybe it’s the freedom from aches and pains or the freedom to drop your fears and finally take steps to follow your Heart’s true intentions. Whatever personal freedoms you long for, today is your day to name them.

So ask yourself: What holds me back? How can I work toward letting those things go? What steps can I take toward achieving my own independence?

As those celebratory colors flash across the sky, envision yourself reaching for your personal independence. And then go out and achieve it.

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