Finding Energetic Balance
We all have things that we can let go of—old clothing, ill-fitting shoes and even some memorabilia from our days of youth. But more often than not, we choose to hold onto these things. Why? Some feel that they represent who they were in various stages of life. And the past is hard to let go of.
But while things may hold various memories for you, they are simply objects, and when the time comes that they no longer bring you happiness, it’s time to let them go. Many of us approach our health in a similar way. We seldom think about the aches and pains that reoccur every month or the itchy skin and watery eyes we experience as the seasons change. Why? Because these symptoms have become as regular to us as the box of objects that we’ve held onto for decades.
Are you truly aware of the symptoms your body is experiencing? Can you approach them from a different perspective? Traditional Chinese medicine is predicated on the understanding that the body sends messages of energetic imbalance through physical or emotional “symptoms”. If you are in tune with your body and can decipher these messages, you can begin to view life—and health—energetically. And once the body is energetically in balance, it no longer needs to use symptoms to communicate.
In Fall, when trees drop their leaves and we begin to let go of the warm days of summer, take stock of your own personal space. Let go of things little-by-little, giving up whatever no longer brings joy into your life. Then take this cleansing a bit deeper by taking stock of your body’s messages. Is your body asking you to slow down, eat better foods or step out of your comfort zone? Is a stomach ache at the same time of day really a coincidence or is there a hidden message there?
By developing the awareness that you and your body are one moving, living being, and by supporting your body with warming foods, Qigong energy practice and ample rest, you are giving your body the boost it needs to get back into balance and maintain wellness.
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Fall Prevention Program: Creating Balance with Grand Master Nan Lu
September 13-23
The Fall Prevention Program will help you build energy, create inner balance and build higher levels of immunity. The ancient system of healing believes that a body in balance has the know-how to defend itself against illness. Prevention doesn’t just happen—it requires time and effort. You’re worth it!