Fillers are Everywhere
The word “filler” often brings to mind packaged, processed food. Labels of everything from cereal to frozen foods contain fillers. If you took the items in a product’s ingredient list and laid them out on the table, would you still be interested in eating all of the ingredients? Test out this theory yourself. Head to your kitchen pantry and pull out the first packaged food you see. Then flip the box over to read the ingredient list. Would you want to ingest all of these ingredients, even the hard-to-pronounce ones? Most packaged foods, even those labeled “clean” and “natural”, contain something unnatural.
But fillers are not just in food products; they are everywhere. We fill our days with “stuff” we don’t need by engaging in things that suck up our Qi every day. In work situations, you might take on more than you can handle and end up scrambling to play catch-up. Or maybe you’re enjoying retirement, but you pinch hit for family members, neighbors, and nearly everyone else in their time of need. Sure, you’re a good friend, daughter/son, parent, neighbor, etc. but where is your internal connection?
Take a moment and imagine one of the scenarios above as the “ingredients” of your day. Or better yet, walk through a recent day when you felt pulled in every direction. Write down everything you engaged in that day. Start with the first thing you did when you woke up, and end with the last thing you did when your head hit the pillow in the evening. What ingredients made the list? Did your day involve peaceful moments or was the entire day made up of fillers?
When was the last time you had a day just for you? Imagine this: You wake up in the morning, refreshed and renewed after a rejuvenating sleep. After a long, hot shower and a steaming cup of coffee, you walk outside for morning Qigong practice. A deep breath reminds you of peacefulness of the outdoors, so you take walks throughout the day and enjoy the solitude that only Nature can provide. Your “fillers” in this case are the chirping birds, the budding flowers, and the crisp air.
While it may not be realistic to envision the whole of this peaceful, serene day in your world, it is important to carve out time for you. Even with a full schedule, create a few breaks in your day. Walk away from your computer or device and take a stroll through a park, visit a favorite tree, plant a vegetable garden, or simply sit outside and breathe in the fresh air. In other words, create meaningful fillers that fuel you. Balance is hard to find, but is the most important element of a healthy lifestyle.
Spring is just around the corner! The newness of Spring is invigorating. This season sets the tone for your health for the rest of the year. Make a meaningful connection with yourself and Nature, learn to say “no” to the noise, and fill your day with things that truly fill your soul.
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Liver Qi Enhancement is almost here: March 19-26, 2023! Through Qigong practice and food choices that benefit the Liver, you’ll deeply connect to your own creative potential and journey into the energetic frequency of Spring. Registration is now open.