Qigong for Breast Health

March 21-April 4

Creating Better Health

Bonus: Receive an interactive Qigong video along with a mini guidebook.

Registration Fee: $200

Classes are on Zoom.

Class Starts March 21st @ 9:30 AM

3 Sessions

What this class can do for you!

Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine principles are powerful rebalancing practices that help the body restore health. This workshop covers various aspects of breast cancer prevention. For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has embraced natural healing techniques.  They discovered the body’s connection to nature and learned how to apply this wisdom to recognize imbalances in the body.

First, we’ll explore the importance of energy flow for overall well-being and talk about how emotions and lifestyle, including eating habits affect the digestive system. A well-functioning digestive system is crucial to breast health.

7 Powerful Wu Ming Qigong Forms

The Qigong movements were specifically designed to guide energy through meridians that run through the breast and to aid the digestive system in regaining balance.

Guidance for well-being

 In addition to the Qigong postures, I’ll share guidance on foods to eat, and what foods draw energy from your digestive system.

Stress, and emotional overload play a big role in energy drain. I’ll share what I learned about the role emotions play in creating imbalances and what steps can help you realign with inner calm.

The Eastern perspective on illness is not fear-based. The view is shifted to recognize that “illness” is merely an imbalance in life. Together we’ll work towards encouraging the body to come back to balance.

Resources for ongoing support

  • Educational video to reinforce the Qigong practices
  • Mini guidebook as a quick resource.

Continuing Ed Credits

5.25 CEs for NBHWC (National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches) 

6 PDAs NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)

Extra Class

To demonstrate the movements to others, your Qigong postures must be a high quality. Therefore we offer a review class for 45 minutes. (no extra charge)

Date of extra class to be announced.

All attendees must attend via video so we can help correct your postures.

Class is 75 minutes and runs for 3 sessions with a 4th as a review.

About your instructor, Irma Jenne:

My love of Qigong and TCM began over 30 years ago when I started to integrate Master Nan Lu’s teachings. It changed my health and my outlook on life. It’s now my greatest pleasure to share what I’ve learned with you.