Emotions: The TCM Perspective
In our Western culture, we typically separate emotions from the body; however, modern science has helped us see that nothing can be discussed in isolation. Everything is connected through energy. More than five thousand years ago, high-level spiritual masters had already discovered this principle of inseparability of the body, mind and spirit through spiritual technology. They downloaded the Five Element Consciousness Framework and its astounding blueprint of Nature’s elements, organs and associated emotions, as well as other correspondences.
While Eastern and Western cultures may use the same vocabulary for “mind” and “emotions,” The TCM concept is different. Your mind is like a gun, but your emotions are what pull the trigger. Your mind digests and processes your thoughts as emotions. Sometimes, these emotions are hidden within the body; sometimes they show on the body in the form of physical conditions. It’s easy to identify which emotion is involved with a condition by looking at its related organ in the Five Element Consciousness Framework.
If an emotion is experienced excessively or chronically, it will unbalance the function of its associated organ. If you worry constantly, you will eventually see a change in your Stomach function. If relentless stress is part of your life, your Liver function will falter. If you continually feel fearful or respond to fear-driven messages, your Kidney function will eventually become depleted. And, depending on the severity of these issues, so will other body structures related to these organs.
Remember too, energy flows both ways. An organ’s physical problem has the power to impact its associated emotion. If these energetic frequencies of emotions can impact physical functions, we have to talk about metabolic function in a different way. We have to factor in the mechanism through which these frequencies impact the body. The physical body is a 3D screen that shows the state of metabolic function. It will also show whether the more expansive concept of metabolic function is, or isn’t working.
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Have you always wanted to know how emotions impact your health? Click here to learn more: Ask Grand Master Lu: How Emotions Impact Health.
Excerpted from Digesting the Universe: A Revolutionary Framework for Healthy Metabolism Function.