The Ebbs and Flows of Seasonal Transitions
The hottest days of summer are almost behind us and a chill can be felt in the early morning air. With windows open, we ready ourselves to welcome in the fresh new energy of Fall.
Every seasonal transition provides us the opportunity to tune inward and reconnect with Nature. Have you noticed the differences each season brings? The Qi of each season carries a message to support life. As Nature enters into one season and out of another, living things flow seamlessly.
We are almost ready to begin our transition out of Late Summer and into Fall, a season of abundance and harvest. Fall is also a time to prepare for the eventual slowdown that Winter brings. This deep rest gives way to light, warmth, and the promise of rebirth in Spring. Summer follows, and then Late Summer, with Earth’s bounty overflowing. Which leads to Fall again. Leaves dry out and fall to the ground. Flowers turn brown and begin to rot. Nature knows how to let go and move forward.
Humans don’t always follow these patterns. When Nature is quiet, we work tirelessly on our computers. Instead of resting when we are tired, we push ourselves past our breaking points. Instead of letting go, we hold on—to past anger and hurt, frustration and fear.
As we move into Fall, we must learn to be still—to quiet the noise inside our minds and find peace within our hearts. Nature’s changes occur within us as well. Fall’s abundance turns to Winter’s quiet, Spring’s resurgence, and Summer’s gifts.
Here, we can see the ebbs and flows of Nature—the same Qi that ebbs and flows within each of us. When we can embrace these changes, we can flow seamlessly from one season to the next without seasonal allergies, discomforts, or dis-ease.