Don’t Blame It On the Turkey!
We ask our digestive system to process a lot over the holidays—a lot more than just turkey!
Maybe your third cousin twice removed that you haven’t seen since you were 15 is coming to dinner. Or it could be that you are choosing to host this year—something that involves a heck of a lot more than cooking the bird. In addition to shopping, prepping, prepping some more, and cooking food to suit all tastes, hosts need to vacuum the floors and make the beds, clean the toilets and take out the garbage, set the table and of course, clean up after the meal is complete.
All of that takes Qi. Every action requires Qi. And so does processing and digesting what happens during the meal. Turkey, cranberries, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, conversation—yes! You digest and process conversation, emotions, and everything else that you experience, too. And all of that takes a lot of Qi. So if you feel a bit bloated after your Thanksgiving meal, don’t blame it on the turkey! Instead, take a good, hard look at everything you’ve asked your body to process and digest over the last few days. More than likely, it’s a long list. And make a mental plan for how to cut back and conserve your Qi so your next holiday gathering is simpler and more easily digestible.
Recipes? Yes, Please!
Looking for a simple way to transform your leftovers? Simply type an ingredient name into the search bar on our recipe page.