Ask Master Lu: What is the Meaning Behind Wu Ming Qigong?

Everyone has a name. You have a name because your parents have a wish. The name itself represents something. Wu Ming represents one of the most powerful concepts in the Dao. In English, Wu Ming means “no name”. If you don’t have a name, what do you have? You have everything.

In the Dao de Jing, they say, “no name is before the beginning of the universe”. Once the universe starts, it gets a name. Qigong uses this concept. Qi is connected to the time before the universe existed. Wu Ming means “no name”, means “none”, means “infinity”, means “everything”.

My master always wanted us to recognize the source that makes this form of Qigong different. You are connected to nothing, because nothing is everything. Wu Ming Qigong contains the lineage and the consciousness of the Dao.

Dao is nothing and nothing is everything. Wu Ming is no name—no identity. When you have no identity, you are everything, you are everywhere, you are the Dao.

Learn More About Wu Ming Qigong

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