Arlene’s Story: The Power to Self-Heal
Last summer I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the third time. I had been diligent with checkups and testing, so I was quite surprised to learn that this condition had returned. When I told my daughter what had occurred, she asked me, “Mom, why does this keep on happening to you?” I told her that I didn’t know but I wanted to do something proactive in my life to make sure it did not happen again.
A wonderful friend told me about the teachings of Dr. Nan Lu and how he had helped her recover from the same disease. She gave me his book on breast cancer prevention and told me of the philosophy of Chinese medicine. I read the book and decided to follow a path that combined Western medicine in conjunction to Dr. Lu’s teachings.
I decided to go ahead with radiation to treat the breast cancer. I had used this treatment during my previous bout and received some severe burns to my chest. This time, however, I followed the advice in Dr. Lu’s book and imagined myself looking at the moon and the stars every time I underwent the radiation treatment. After an extensive amount of treatments, my skin remained untouched and unblemished from burns. Even my radiologist was extremely impressed and said he would mention this to future patients undergoing radiation.
I am now trying to heal my body by getting my life in balance. I am working to rid myself of negative things in my life and to take care of myself in healing ways. I am learning that I can heal myself by strengthening my body and gaining energy. I will continue this journey of learning and healing because I now believe I have the power to do so.
-Arlene Burgis